Friday, January 24, 2014

It almost there..

Suke tgk this pic.. mase ni kitorg merayau kt sekitar bndr kuantan.. trip y x di plen2 pon.. tbe2 jek.. btol la org kate lau plen sgt2 ni kdg x semestinye jadik kan.. bek y on the spot jek.. aq ngn si die ni da slalu dah wat kje cmni.. huhu..
This is also our 1st time g TC together la kan.. kebetulan betul.. dlu aq matrik kt pahang ni.. and then si die plk dpt posting kt kuantan.. it's destiny..
Pejam celik kan.. tgl beberapa bln jek kan.. uwarggghh.. I'm nervous. .

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Happy New Year syg

~Post biler ni x ter publish lg.. aishhhh...

Oleh dek mata den y dah mengantok ni.. maka den pon ingin mengucapkn selamat menyambut tahun baru 2014 (wish awal sejam plk..) kire halal laa..

Selamat tahun baru syg..
Semoga thun 2014 jd thn bhgia utk kite..
:from him ♥


8 years ago we had know each other. . Due to a programme called Easy Math. . How he with his friend really annoyed me.. how ms.arrogant am I for that time.. but later & sooner we get know together,  to know much better,  to share the feel of love, and yes, I'm fall in love with him for again and again.. almost 4 years we are in relationship, & 18 syawal last year our first family gathering.. for now, it around 3.5 month before us getting married. . To be part of my live..
I'm really love u honey.. ♥

Counting the days

8 years ago we being a friend, almost 4 years we had know each other, and now, around 2.5 month In Shaa Allah, we are being together..